Swimming Pool Fencing Coachella Valley
Swimming pool is and hot tubs are a family preference for summer fun. While they may be fun without having the appropriate precautions in place they can become dangerous. Swimming pool fences aid to prevent falls and drowning saving thousands of lives every year. When considering a fence it is good to have a fence designed with young children in mind. The main reason swimming pool fences are installed is to keep children safeguarded around water. Drowning is the major cause of injury and death in children between the ages of one and four. A fence should surround the pool and be installed with a self-closing, self-latching gate. Even though your home does not have kids in it consider the visitors, friends and family.
How To Choose The Right Pool Fence
Currently there are many varieties of material to choose from when looking into fencing for your pool area. One of the favorites for durability, ease of installation, simple maintenance and design is premium child safety fencing.
Child safety pool fencing is available in a variety of colors, styles and heights. It can easily be anchored into existing concrete pads or newly poured concrete, Child safety fencing is also great as it is see through, very durable, rust-proof and has a long warranty. Dog ear wood fencing is yet another option in pool fencing. When investing in wood fencing for your pool area it is helpful to know that wood will need regular maintenance including clean-up and weather proofing. This is a major downside to wood fencing as well as the low visibility it provides inside of the pool area. Wood fencing is not a first choice for most pool owners as the extra maintenance and upkeep usually detour wood in favor of something with ease of maintenance even when it costs a bit more.
Also keep in mind safety standards when installing pool fencing. Perimeter fencing must be 60 inches high. All gates must open outward away from the pool area; have self-closing hinges and a latch at 54 inches or higher.